Count and match the numbers

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Miembro desde hace

3 years 3 months
Edad: 3-9
Level: Kindergarten
Idioma: English (en)
ID: 771714
Country code: MY
Country: Malaysia
Asignatura: Math (1061955)
Tema principal: Counting (2013092)
From worksheet author:

Count the number of apples and match them.

Otros contenidos:
Numbers 1 to 10
Worksheet description:
Objective Explanation:
The educational objective of this worksheet is to enhance students' counting skills by providing them with exercises to count and match numbers. By engaging with this worksheet, students will improve their ability to identify and pair numbers accurately, reinforcing their foundational math skills.

Content Overview:
The main content of this worksheet focuses on counting numbers. Students are required to count various numbers and then match them to their corresponding values. Through this process, students will practice counting numbers sequentially and develop a stronger understanding of numerical concepts.

Language and Educational Level Context:
This worksheet is designed for students at an elementary level who are learning English as a foreign language. The use of simple language and basic math concepts makes it accessible for young learners who are just beginning to develop their counting skills in English.

Subject Relevance:
The worksheet integrates seamlessly into the Math curriculum by emphasizing the foundational skill of counting. By engaging with this worksheet, students not only practice their counting abilities but also lay the groundwork for more complex math concepts that build upon this fundamental skill.

The instructions provided on the worksheet "Count and match the numbers" guide students to perform specific tasks related to counting and matching numbers. For example, the instruction to "Count and match the numbers" prompts students to look at the numbers provided and then pair them with their corresponding values. This direct instruction influences the structure of the exercises, focusing students' attention on numerical identification and matching skills.

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Count and match the numbers

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